
Underwater sound wave therapy

How about a unique experience in Europe? From Brasov you can quickly reach Covasna where underwater sound wave therapy can be exactly what you need. This therapy is perfect for those who suffer from physical problems or problems related to stress, anxiety or low self-esteem, as well as for those who want to relax or just experience something new. You will leave with a clearer mind, more relaxed, with a better mood. You will probably come back!

400,00 lei


Underwater sound wave therapy

Underwater sound wave therapy , also known as underwater ultrasound therapy or ultrasound hydrotherapy, is a form of physical therapy that uses high-frequency sound waves to treat a variety of conditions.

This therapy is performed by placing an underwater probe in water and then applying high-frequency sound waves through it. When the sound waves pass through water, they are transmitted to human tissues through a phenomenon called conduction, which causes the tissues to vibrate at that specific frequency.

These vibrations can be beneficial for treating a variety of conditions, such as muscle and joint pain, inflammation, soft tissue injuries and blood circulation problems, but also deeper conditions such as stress, anxiety, addiction, etc.

Underwater sound wave therapy can be performed as a single therapy or can be used in combination with other treatments to maximize the benefits for the patient.

Underwater sound wave therapy

Now you can have a unique experience in Europe or give an extraordinary gift: underwater sound wave therapy. In Covasna you will find a secluded place, with a wonderful artificial lake, perfect for a relaxing and therapeutic activity.

Sound wave therapy is generally intended for adults and young people, and helps to:

  • reducing and controlling stress
  • increasing sleep quality
  • addiction treatment
  • reducing anxiety
  • increasing working memory and creativity
  • improving concentration and attention
  • improving cognitive self-awareness
  • increasing self-awareness and controlling emotional states
  • reducing distraction
  • increased sustained attention
  • reducing mind wandering
  • increased self-monitoring
  • developing mental stability
  • to learn to detach
  • to distance yourself from thoughts, feelings and behaviors
  • reduction of criticism
  • increasing awareness of body states
  • calm awareness of the present moment
  • detaching
  • peace of mind
  • reducing self-talk
  • easing
  • distancing oneself from the ego mind
  • relaxed vigilance
  • improving mood
  • increasing empathy
  • increasing appreciation and gratitude
  • opening the heart
  • creating perspective

In conclusion, Underwater Sound Wave Therapy can be a relaxing experience full of benefits for both physical and mental health.

Don't think about it anymore and experience this unique therapy for a complete state of well-being! Here, at the same artificial lake in Covasna, you can also choose to experience something even more fun: a beer underwater!

Or you can try both. Or you can send your friend to therapy and you go underwater for a beer. Whatever you choose, different experiences enrich our lives and are seen as the best gifts by most of us.

Think about trying something new at least once a year. It will be a rich bouquet of activities that you may not even dream of, or dream of but don't dare....


Underwater sound wave therapy

Minimum age:18 years old

Period:May/June – September

Location:Dalnic, in Covasna, within the Diving Center (45 minutes by car from Brasov)

Duration:approximately 2.5 hours

Voucher validity:12 months

Programming:at least 7 days in advance, subject to availability


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Underwater sound wave therapy

Underwater sound wave therapy

400,00 lei