Underwater brewery - let's have a beer at depth!
You have just discovered a unique experience in Europe - an underwater brewery where you can enjoy a Csiki Sor craft beer! Just for you, a "different" outing with the gang or a gift for a friend who is a beer connoisseur or just eager for new and new experiences. First you have to climb a hill, then you dive and... under the water, as incredible as it may sound, there is an entire brewery, with a bar, a refrigerator and many other surprises. We are waiting for you for a cold beer underwater!
Underwater brewery
Where you can cool your throat and watch the fish at the same time.
It's an atypical idea, we have to admit. How and when did this idea come about? The idea was born on a Saturday evening, full of beer and creativity. The signpost indicating the Csiki brewery in the city would look great underwater... And if we already have a kilometer-long signpost underwater, why not have an entire brewery?!
This underwater marker not only indicates the distance to the factory, but also how many kilometers it is to the surface! Nothing is accidental.
For the inhabitants of the Ciuc depression, respecting the past and preserving traditions are very important. During communism, there was an alcohol factory here, and when the underwater brewery was built, also out of this respect for tradition, the old and valuable elements of the factory were reused.
For example, here you can see the bar built from the 5 km of rails that existed on the factory grounds at the time. Trainees are often told that you can do anything underwater just like on the surface.
Discover the underwater brewery!
The bar was submerged without being disassembled (because it was impossible to intervene), the refrigerator was adapted, the freon and the various air-filled parts were removed. The lighting was also adapted to be water-resistant. After a lot of work, ideas and discussions, details to be established and designed, it appeared, you guessed it... The underwater brewery!
It will certainly be a unique experience for both the participants in the lake and those who stay on the surface and watch.
Preparing for the dive to reach the underwater brewery
The most common questions asked by those who want to enjoy this experience are: Do I need experience to be able to dive? How can you drink underwater? If you have a regulator in your mouth, how do you drink beer? How do you manage to drink liquids when you are in one? Here are the answers below:
- If the person has never experienced diving before, they must attend a 40-minute training session before diving. So, you don't have to be a certified diver to visit the underwater brewery.
- The dives are carried out together with an experienced instructor.
- Each person is properly equipped and will receive all the information they need from the surface. Safety comes first.
- The dive follows. Everyone sits at the bar (there are also bar stools) and the beer will practically be open. The bottle must be covered with a finger, so that the water from the lake does not mix with the beer and the fish do not get into the bottle. We remove the regulator from our mouth and start lifting the bottle. When the bottle is stuck to our mouth, we start blowing air into it, and this air will push the beer out. We take the regulator back, draw air and repeat the action.
Underwater brewery: enjoy beer in the coolest way possible
It is also a perfect option for private events and teambuildings. How about spending your birthday with family and friends in an underwater brewery? You can try something new and, for sure, everyone will remember this day.
Invite your friends to a Csiki Sor craft beer that you can enjoy like real divers underwater, sitting at the bar, right on the surface.
Surprise your employees with a different kind of teambuilding. In addition to giving them a break from their daily routine, they can enjoy a unique experience in Europe: an underwater brewery where they can drink beer underwater!
There is a bartender ready to serve you, there is underwater music and you can even play board games or chess.
Diving regulations prohibit the consumption of alcohol underwater: for this reason, everyone will consume beer at their own risk. Those who do not assume this will be able to enjoy the beer on the surface, after finding the long-lost treasure of the Szekler people.
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