Tandem paragliding flight for a couple, with filming and photos
Do you want to admire the beauty of nature, seen through the eyes of an eagle? Choose a tandem paragliding flight! Beyond a pair of wings, you get a lot of excitement and adrenaline. And all this together with your loved one. Because each of us should fly at least once...
Tandem paragliding flight for a couple. Whoever flies once, will want to fly for life!
Tandem paragliding = recreational flight performed with an instructor, the paraglider being an easily steerable aircraft, like a flexible and inflatable wing, which allows the pilot to float on air currents after takeoff.
Anyone who can run a few steps is encouraged to experience flying, enjoying the addictive freedom of the air. For the bravest, the pilot can offer acrobatic flight elements or they can pilot the paraglider themselves for a few seconds.
You decide how brave you are and what you want to experience: a smooth flight where you quietly admire the view with the wind blowing in front of you or movements where your heart will race! You can communicate to the pilot at any time during the flight if you want to change the pace.
Tandem paragliding flight for a couple, with filming and photos included
You should know that you will fly in turns, each of you having the opportunity to admire the other (and obviously take some more photos). This time choose a paragliding flight, a different experience in Brasov, not just walking around the center and sitting on the terrace...
The flight lasts about 10-12 minutes and is done at an altitude of about 500-600 meters. At the end you will receive photos and HD footage of the moment on CD/DVD format. Not everyone goes paragliding, right? But I can admire the pictures every day for a long time afterwards. Plus, you have something to brag about next week at the office!
*The price shown is for 2 people. The price of the cable car ticket (25 lei) and the ticket to the meeting point are NOT included in the flight price!
**Actual flight time may vary depending on weather conditions.
***The activity is carried out for a maximum of 6 people per day
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