
Step By Step Espresso coffee course

A course specially designed for you, a great coffee lover and eager to discover secrets and information from this fascinating world of coffee. The "Step by Step Espresso" course will reveal the secrets of preparing a perfect espresso!

1.120,00 lei


Step By Step Espresso coffee course

Discover the art of perfect extraction! Get ready to explore the fascinating world of espresso with this course specially designed to guide you from "novice" to "one step closer to expert".

Whether you're an enthusiast looking to hone your skills or looking for a gift for a coffee-loving friend, "Step by Step Espresso" offers a rich and engaging learning experience.

Step by Step Espresso coffee course. What will you learn about?

Essential Equipment:

  • Grinder : Discover the crucial role of the grinder in achieving the perfect extraction. Learn about different types of grinders, the optimal grind for espresso, and proper grinding techniques.
  • Espresso Machine : Familiarize yourself with the anatomy of an espresso machine and how it works. Explore essential parameters like pressure, temperature, and water flow, and learn how to adjust them to make delicious coffee.
  • Additional Tools : Discover a wide range of useful tools for making espresso, from tampers to thermometers and measuring cups. Learn how to use them correctly for consistent results.

Espresso Fundamentals:

  • Coffee Beans : Journey through the origins of coffee beans, discovering Arabica and Robusta varieties, their flavor profiles, and the influence of roasting. Learn how to select the perfect beans for your taste.
  • Grind : Experiment with different grinds and explore their impact on extraction. Learn how to adjust the grind to achieve a balanced and flavorful coffee.
  • Dosing and Tamping : Discover the importance of correct coffee dosing and effective tamping. Learn uniform tamping techniques to create a solid base for extraction.
  • Extraction : Delve into the secrets of espresso extraction, discovering essential parameters such as extraction time, water flow and temperature. Learn how to monitor and optimize extraction to obtain the perfect coffee.

Milk Basics:

  • Learn basic techniques for proper milk cream and what it means to pour it correctly.

Practice on Milk and Espresso:

  • Applying the knowledge gained, working directly with milk and espresso, to see how all the elements come together in a cup of coffee.

Feedback and advice:

  • You receive personalized feedback from the instructor during the practical session. You learn from your own mistakes as well as those of your classmates and receive advice to perfect your skills.

"Step By Step Espresso" coffee course. 4 reasons to choose it:

  1. Taught by experienced baristas
  2. Friendly and interactive atmosphere
  3. Small groups for personalized learning
  4. Practical and applicable techniques at home

Coffee course "Step by Step Espresso"

Minimum age: 18 years

Duration: approximately 5 hours

Location: Brasov

Voucher validity: 6 months

Appointment: at least 10 days in advance


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Step By Step Espresso coffee course

Step By Step Espresso coffee course

1.120,00 lei