Shooting Range: "Combo" Package
Have you been wanting to try shooting a gun for years but have been avoiding it by making various excuses? It's time to come to a shooting range! You will enjoy a complete shooting experience, as per the book, with several types of weapons. All, of course, in perfect safety! You will decide in the end which type of weapon attracted you the most.
Experience in a shooting range
Are you ready? Correct answer: You are! Because an hour at a shooting range is a unique experience that will instantly excite you if you are passionate about weapons or simply always eager to try something new.
It will be a day in Brasov spent differently. Of course, the Old Town will be there for you and the beer will seem even better after such an experience!
A shooting range will provide you with a dose of adrenaline and challenge, perfect for those of you looking for an escape from the usual weekend activities. You will feel the adrenaline rush all week long and maybe next time you will gather your whole gang at a shooting range.
Top shooting range
The shooting range, the place where the action takes place, is the only private range in central Romania. It is a territory equipped with the most modern technologies, specially designed to satisfy all the demands in the field of shooting.
Automated lines, standard lighting, enhanced security measures, and training provided by professionals are just a few of the facilities you will find here.
In terms of its structure, the range is divided into two distinct sections. The first part is reserved for the waiting and training area, where participants prepare for the shooting experience. The area is specially designed for this type of activity, offering comfort and safety before entering the actual shooting ranges.
The two main ranges are the real highlights of this place. Each of them has three firing lines, thus offering a wide range of possibilities for practicing shooting.
Whether you are a curious novice or a professional looking for a challenge, our shooting range is the ideal place to improve your shooting skills and enjoy a unique experience.
Shooting Range with 3 Combo Packs:
Choose from 3 exciting options, you're sure to find one to satisfy your preferences:
1. Brasov Shooting Combo Package
- 10 small caliber cartridges
- 5 medium caliber cartridges
- 5 large caliber cartridges
Shooting is done with a pistol.
2. Tir Brasov Combo Plus Package
- 20 cartridges caliber 22LR
- 10 cartridges 9MM caliber
- 10 cartridges caliber 45/38/7.62
Shooting is done with a pistol.
3. Tir Brasov Combo Plus Plus Package
- 20 22LR caliber cartridges with Mosberg carbine
- 10 9MM caliber cartridges with Rony
- 10 cartridges caliber 45/38/7.62
You will receive more information about the weapons on site, at the shooting range, as the weapons change periodically. In addition, where there are several weapons of the same caliber, you will have the opportunity to choose the weapon you want. Whatever you choose, be sure that you will experience the thrill of shooting with a gun to the fullest!
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