Off-road self-driving in Bran
Off-road self driving in Bran - because it is one of the best off-road destinations with a variety of routes: from easy ones for beginners to difficult ones for enthusiasts of this sport; an experience with excellent opportunities to explore nature, enjoy spectacular landscapes, adventure and a unique experience.
Off-road self driving in Bran - opt for a special gift!
Are cars and adrenaline your greatest passion? This year I suggest you try the “Off-Road self driving in Bran” experience. You will drive a prepared vehicle, reach points over 1,300 meters in altitude and, last but not least, enjoy magnificent landscapes and clean air.
This time your trip to the mountains will be more complex and you will definitely not regret choosing off-road self driving in Bran. You will probably want to try it again the next time you are in the area or maybe something similar.
Being with people who share the same passion is no small feat, isn't it? Besides the experience itself, you have the opportunity to develop subjects that you are passionate about without getting bored or not being understood, and maybe make new friends.
Off-road self driving in Bran. Where will you ride?
By choosing this activity - Off-road self driving in Bran - you will find yourself behind the wheel of a 4×4 car prepared for the roads that cross the mountains, the off-road route starting from the Bran area and continuing into the Piatra Craiului Mountains.
The route will be, more precisely: Bran – Zarnesti Ravines – Magura – Pestera – Sirnea – Fundata – Pestera Monastery. The route lasts approximately 4 hours and the participants will drive in rotation, on sections of moderate difficulty, the crew being made up of 3 people in each car.
Any person with a driving license can participate in these off-road self-driving tours organized on medium-difficulty routes, regardless of experience in this sport.
Of course, passengers are also welcome, those who just want to enjoy the experience without taking control of the car, but the price is the same. So 3 people in the car means purchasing 3 vouchers. Furthermore, if they want to drive all three in rotation, just two or just one, you can decide on the spot, during the trip.
Tours are organized throughout the year, regardless of the weather and, what's more, groups of at least 6 people can book the off-road tour any day of the week.
So, if you are a group of at least 6 people and you want the trip on a specific day, all you have to do is call us and let us know! It would be best to call us at least 3 days in advance. Ideally, however, you should be sure of our availability on the day you choose as early as possible! We will set the time together and we will take care of the rest. Then, you are in our debt with your good will and enthusiasm!
Here is what our Off-road self driving offer in Bran includes:
- ambulance
- off-road cars (Toyota)
- combustible
- instructing
- off-road sticker
*Transportation to the venue is not included
**As a measure to protect the area, the routes will follow the network of forest roads in the area, of varying degrees of difficulty. Access inside the forest, on alpine pastures or crossing rivers through undeveloped areas is prohibited. The convoy of cars must avoid approaching herds of animals or wild animals, starting from the premise that on the mountain, off-road cars never have priority.
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