
Latte Art Basics

When it comes to making coffee, there's nothing more satisfying than personalizing your own espresso with an artistic design in the milk foam. If you're a coffee enthusiast and want to learn how to turn a simple cup of coffee into a work of art, then the Latte Art Basics Course is just what you need!

1.120,00 lei


Latte Art Basics - A special experience in an equally special city

Are you looking for a new experience in the much-loved city of Brasov? Have you already tried espresso variations, but haven't yet ventured into the fascinating world of latte art?

Latte art is not just about pouring milk over espresso, it is a combination of coffee knowledge and talent, which can be developed through exercise and practice. In this course, you will learn basic techniques for extracting an espresso, the components of the milk pouring technique and mounting the milk crema with different patterns.

The course lasts approximately 6 hours, all within one day and can be done individually, if the client really wants it, or in small groups where socialization and goodwill will complete the experience.

At the end of this course you will know how to personalize milk drinks in a creative way! And your coffee guests at home will not be late to show up!

The art and joy of making Latte Art with a professional

Your guide into the world of Latte Art will be Adrian Bularca. With extensive experience in delivering training and consulting in the coffee field, Adrian is a true expert in the art of preparing and presenting coffee.

Holding the Specialty Coffee Association's Authorized Trainer certification, Adrian has delivered successful projects in Romania and the Middle East, which gives him a deep understanding of the coffee industry and current trends.

Adrian's Latte Art Basics course is a unique opportunity to explore and learn the art of latte art at the highest level. Whether you are a beginner barista or a coffee enthusiast eager to develop their artistic skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and techniques needed to create your own masterpieces in a cup of coffee.

The course takes place in a friendly and interactive environment, where Adrian will share professional secrets and tricks to achieve impressive patterns in milk foam. Participants in the Latte Art Basics course will learn to control the temperature, density and texture of the milk, so that they can create detailed and beautiful designs on the surface of the coffee.

The Benefits of Offering a Latte Art Basics Course

  • A memorable experience: By offering a Latte Art Basics Course, you offer a unique and unusual experience. The recipient will have the opportunity to develop their artistic skills and learn special techniques, which will make every cup of coffee an aesthetic joy and a pleasure to savor.
  • A personal development opportunity: Latte Art is not just about creating impressive patterns in coffee. It is about developing skills such as concentration, patience and attention to detail. Through this course, the person receiving the gift will have the opportunity to develop personally and discover new passions and interests.
  • A step towards a career in coffee: For those who dream of working in the coffee or hospitality industry, a Latte Art Basics Course is an important first step. This special skill can open doors to professional opportunities and can be a starting point for a successful career. You can complete the gift with another coffee course in Brasov - Bean To Cup Story . Or remember for next year!

Open the door to a world full of creativity and artistic expression!


Latte Art Basics

Minimum age:18 years old

Duration:approximately 6 hours


Voucher validity:6 months

Programming:at least 10 days in advance


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Latte Art Basics

Latte Art Basics

1.120,00 lei