
Hot Rod Fun - guided mountain tour

It looks like a toy, but it drives like a race car! Join the journey from Poiana Brasov to the old center of Brasov with one of our unique hot rods and immerse yourself in an adventure full of joy and adrenaline! Mountain tours will resume in May 2025!

379,00 lei


Hot Rod Fun - from Poiana Brasov to Brasov

The Hot Rod Fun experience in the mountains means a guided tour of approximately 60 minutes with the famous Wenckstern cars - the departure is from the Teleferic hotel, it goes down to Brasov, in the Old Center and then back on the same road.

Yes, a guide is mandatory! You go in an organized group of at least 2 people, maximum 10. And yes, a helmet is mandatory! And a good mood!

The day and time will be set according to requests and availability. The cars will be driven by the clients themselves, assisted along the route by one or even two guides, depending on the size of the group, both with experience in the field.

Hot Rod Fun - technical details

Are you interested in some technical details? No? Then skip to the story below.

Wenckstern cars have an engine capacity of 170 cc, 15 HP, a 4.5 liter tank and a maximum speed of 90 km/h.

We also add that they have a fiberglass body that weighs only 150 kg, an automatic transmission, run on gasoline and consume 3 liters per hundred kilometers and have only one seat. They are the symbol of freedom, infinite joy, adrenaline and boundless passion!

The Hot Rod Fun Story

Do you want to know the story of these cute little cars? We'll tell you briefly: the Wenckstern brothers believed in their dream of developing something that didn't yet exist on the streets, and that's how the Wenckstern cars and the Hot Rod Fun concept were born!

Following a two-year close collaboration with TÜV Nord, the first vehicle of this type appeared on a road in Hamburg, Germany, in 2010. Since then, over 400 vehicles have left the factory, both for the concept of guided tours throughout Europe, but also as unique individual pieces purchased by enthusiasts in the field.

The concept has been rewarded with various awards over the years, and in 2019 it also made its appearance in Romania!

Come to the mountains with the Hot Rod cars!

Once you drive a Hot Rod, your taste for this kind of experience will be ignited and you won't be able to put it down easily. Driving, feeling happy and free, all at the same time, is the ultimate recipe for a good time and great memories with friends.

We invite you to experience the Hot Rod Fun tour in the mountains. It will be a real show, a parade of such cute cars! The day will be better not only for those who drive them, but also for those who admire them curiously from the side of the road and try to immortalize them! You have to admit, it's not every day you see such a car in the center of Brasov!

The guides will take photos and videos and make them available to you for free. Don't take out your cell phone while driving!


Hot Rod Fun in the Mountains

Minimum age:18 years old

Driving license:Yes, category B

Maximum weight:135 kg

Minimum height:1.55m

Maximum height:1.95m

Other restrictions:not to consume alcoholic beverages beforehand

Location:Poiana Brasov (starting point: Hotel Teleferic)

Validity:12 months

Duration:1 hour

Group size:minimum 2 people, maximum 10

Programming:at least 7 days in advance (subject to availability)

*in case of adverse weather conditions the tour will be rescheduled by mutual agreement


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Hot Rod Fun - guided mountain tour

Hot Rod Fun - guided mountain tour

379,00 lei