Float therapy
When you are inside, peace comes naturally… Also known as Float Tank, Isolation Tank, Sensory Deprivation Tank or Samadhi Tank, Float Therapy is a unique way to achieve relaxation and healing on a physical and mental level. Perfect for children, perfect for healthy or less healthy parents and grandparents, perfect for pregnant women - floatation therapy is everyone's friend!
Float therapy: relaxation and healing
Have you arrived in Brasov? You can't help but complete your vacation with a few hours of relaxation. Experience float therapy this time! And not just anywhere, but... in the first salon of its kind in the country.
Float therapy takes place in a pool that resembles a larger bathtub or a smaller swimming pool, filled with a ton of water in which 500 kilograms of bitter salt, also called Epsom salt or magnesium sulfate (it is one of the salts long known for its therapeutic qualities) have been dissolved.
This concentration of magnesium allows the body to float in the solution, providing a sensation of weightlessness. The water is maintained at body temperature, eliminating the sensation of cold, and the sound and visual insulation minimizes the influence of usual sensory stimuli.
Float therapy. Why try it?
There are a multitude of reasons, which can be divided into three main categories: health, relaxation and freedom.
Physical health is one of the reasons, as floating in the alkaline solution of concentrated magnesium salts allows the muscles to relax, the bones and spine to loosen, and the skin to absorb the magnesium from the bitter salt, thus balancing the mineral levels in the body.
It also helps prevent problems in the ENT spectrum, Reproductive system, menopause and PMS, Cellular system and chronic diseases, Renal system and Liver (toxin release), Cardiac system, Endocrine system, Digestive system, Immune system.
Mental relaxation and stress relief are other benefits, especially after a hectic day or week. A 90-minute float session can provide the relaxing equivalent of a good night's sleep or a full massage. And who doesn't need to de-stress these days?!
Moreover, it helps eliminate mental dysfunctions - depression, panic attacks, stress, insomnia, anxiety, unjustified agitation, memory disorders, autism.
Freedom is also an important reason, as the lack of usual sensory information can free up the brain's processing power, making it more efficient in mental decisions, creative processes, or meditation sessions.
Float Therapy. Perfect for Everyone
Age? Health? It doesn't matter!
You can participate even if you don't know how to swim, the pool is only 25 cm high, and the salt keeps you afloat anyway. Don't dive in even if you want to!
Claustrophobic? No problem! We recommend the Aquarmony Premium float chamber pools, which offer a generous interior space and have glass front walls, and in the closed enclosures you can leave the light on and the door ajar until a comfortable level is reached, so you can benefit from the entire experience of floating in peace and complete relaxation.
It's okay and if you fall asleep during therapy, you will probably have the most restful sleep you've had in a while...
And what if water gets in your eyes? It will only be a momentary sting, which is why we recommend that you avoid touching your face with your hands after entering the pool, and if necessary, use the clean water container or towel next to the pool. Remember, however, that salts have multiple benefits and they help heal, including various eye conditions!
Wondering if you should bring your swimsuit? Float lounges offer the privacy needed for everyone to take a bath just like at home, without being bothered by a suit. Avoiding it is also recommended for hygienic reasons, in addition to those regarding sensory deprivation. But for those who still prefer to wear a suit, it is optional.
Float therapy - key differences from treatments in thermal waters or salt lakes:
- Salt composition: While salt lakes contain classic table salt (NaCl), float pools use bitter salt (MgSO4) with magnesium and sulfur as the main elements.
- Unique Density: The concentration of magnesium sulfate in the float pools is unique and approaches levels in the Dead Sea, providing a high-quality treatment.
- Privacy and hygiene: Floating pools provide superior privacy and hygiene compared to spas or salt lakes.
- Availability: Floatation therapy can be performed at any time of the year, due to the constant maintenance of water temperature.
- Reduced costs: Eliminating travel and accommodation costs makes float therapy more accessible and immediately available.
- Therapeutic continuity: Therapy can be followed constantly, with weekly or bimonthly sessions, while other treatments are limited to short vacation periods.
- Efficient absorption: The absorption of magnesium and sulfur through the skin is superior to oral treatment with dietary supplements.
Floatation therapy. Variants you can choose from:
- Standard (Monday - Saturday): You can later choose from the 3 options below when you call for an appointment:
- Aquarmony One floating cabin type pool (float cabin/float tank)
- Aquarmony Pyramid pool in pyramid shape (float pyramid)
- Aquarmony Infinity float pod pool
- Premium (Monday - Sunday): Aquarmony Premium float room pool
The floating experience is the same in all Aquarmony enclosures, maintaining the principles of sensory deprivation. The difference in the Aquarmony Premium enclosure is that it offers a superior degree of comfort and design, dimensions and ambience, equipment and materials used.
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