Cheese tasting at your home
For a cheese lover, gourmet or passionate about gastronomic experiences, we have an experience that fits perfectly! We present to you "Cheese Tasting at Your Home", an opportunity to explore the finest tastes from the world of cheese, in a unique and personalized way.
Cheese tasting at your home. An unforgettable virtual experience
Are you passionate about cheese or unique culinary experiences, no matter what they entail? Then choose a more than suitable experience: Cheese tasting at your home!
The special package will include 3 types of locally produced, seasoned cheeses and 2 types of international cheeses. In addition, you will find olives, locally produced acacia honey, candied fruits and seed biscuits, all in perfect harmony with a carefully selected bottle of wine.
The package will be sent by courier to the indicated address, anywhere in the country.
The box with all the delights will be delivered directly to your door, at the time of your choice. Then, in agreement with Andrei, the cheese expert and initiator of this program, you will set up an online meeting where Andrei will reveal the story of each individual assortment.
Cheese tasting at your home.
Discover the refinement of cheeses in the comfort of your own home!
To fully enjoy this special experience, you will receive, along with the package mentioned above, a detailed description of each cheese and you will have a 10 - 15 minute online meeting with Andrei Bleoju, certified as a nationally authorized Taster by the FNDA since January 2021.
During this meeting, Andrei will reveal the secrets of each assortment and guide you in your culinary choices. You will also learn how to select the best cheeses, how to taste them and how they match with various other foods or drinks.
"Quality and unique experiences" are the basic principles behind which Andrei founded Delight Group and began his culinary journey.
The desire for novelty and the passion for cheese have proven to be the ideal premises for improving and associating the finest products for remarkable culinary experiences, and through this gastronomic experience we invite you to enjoy the tastiest concept and discover the various flavors of cheese.
Cheese tasting at your home
You can choose from two options:
- Silver - Gourmet box with 5 types of mature cheeses
- Gold - Gourmet box with 8 types of mature cheeses
If there is a desire to always explore new things or a passion for cheeses, for gastronomy in general - we invite both you and the friends around you who share the same passions to enjoy this gastronomic experience and discover the diversity of cheese tastes.
In short:
- Order the experience
- You receive a voucher with all the necessary information that you can keep or give as a gift.
- Call for tasting kit delivery
- You receive the kit at your door.
- Call to schedule an online meeting with Andrei
...and become a cheese expert! :)
There is also the option to order only the cheese and wine box, to have, as we call it, a romantic dinner in a box.
Va rugam sa retineti ca, desi ne straduim sa ne asiguram ca informatiile despre activitatile afisate pe site-ul nostru web sunt corecte si actualizate, unele date pot fi modificate. Datorita acestui fapt, va recomandam sa discutati inainte de desfasurarea oricarei activitati cu furnizorul acesteia. Daca aveti nevoie de mai multe informatii sau aveti intrebari cu privire la o activitate vanduta de, va rugam sa contactati echipa noastra de asistenta pentru clienti. Informatiile si fotografiile sunt furnizate numai pentru uz personal si nu pot fi reproduse in niciun fel fara acordul prealabil al Magazin Cadouri Perfecte SRL.